Who Knows What a Bomb Cyclone Snow Storm Looks Like?
Posted by Barbara Fordyce on
The storm hitting the east coast today has been dubbed a "Bomb Cyclone Snow Storm" by the weather authorities. But what actually is a bomb cyclone?
Although it sounds like another hyperbolic term made up by excited weather casters, there's actually scientific criteria behind it that's related to surface-to-air pressure. The WAPO has a great discussion about bombcyclones http://wapo.st/2lTO7wE
Today's storm is also extremely large, and covers an area that extends from Northern Florida to Maine. Satellite images at Vox show how massive the bomb cyclone storm is: http://bit.ly/2CVxgBK
For even better maps and graphics, go to NASA's site to see the bomb cyclone storm from space: http://bit.ly/2EWe0ET
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