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Map Resources Blog

Google Maps Wants to Help You Cope With July 4 Traffic

Posted by Barbara Fordyce on

To many of us, Independence Day means bbq, picnics, fireworks, and... traffic! And this year, AAA is predicting record-breaking levels of traffic across the country. They project that nearly 40 million people will be on the road for the holiday, which is more than 5 percent more than last year, and the highest number since AAA began tracking holiday travel 18 years ago.  One reason for the high car traffic is the mid-week holiday.  The Wednesday holiday gives fewer people the opportunity for a long weekend, and limits them to local festivities.  Thus the crush for local highways as people...

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Father's Day This Weekend - Mappy Gift Ideas for Dads!

Posted by Barbara Fordyce on

Does Dad like maps?  Then how about expanding his horizons with a mappy gift for Father's Day? Here are a few ideas we "unearthed" for your consideration... Lots of dads like golf, and often entertain notions of playing the very best courses. If this sounds like your dad, why not give him a chance to fantasize about the next golf trip with this beautiful map? The map shows the location of all the premier golf courses throughout the US.   Maybe your dad is more of a soccer fan.  The World Cup is starting this week, and Atlas of Football...

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Grab a Map - It's Summer Road Trip Time

Posted by Barbara Fordyce on

June is here.  If you're thinking of a summer road trip, now's a good time to make a plan.  We put together a few themes to consider. National Parks Always Beckon Our nation is blessed with fantastic national parks, and every summer thousands of vacationers make a visit. NPS has put together a list of the iconic park road trips, mostly in the western US, with great info on roads, distances, what you'll see, popular activities, and more.  It's a great way to start your planning. When you include historical monuments, battlefields, military parks, seashores, and other significant areas, the...

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Creatives Make Royal Wedding Maps Fun

Posted by Barbara Fordyce on

With millions of people focused on London this week for the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, maps are playing a very important role.  Visitors to London and viewers around the world want to know the exact details of the royal event. And although the route is simple, there are a myriad of graphic styles used to show it.  We collected a few of them here. Click through on your favorite for larger image. 1. Simple Map. Here's a basic map format, showing major streets and important locations along the procession route.  The image relies on the cute photo...

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China's Geographic Claims Causing T-shirt Controversy

Posted by Barbara Fordyce on

The Gap is the latest corporation to find itself in hot water over its depiction of the geography of China.  The problem rests with a simple outline map of China that appears on a Gap t-shirt.  The People’s Republic of China, colloquially known as "mainland China", or simply "China", asserts that the Republic of China, aka "Taiwan", is part of its sovereign territory and should appear on any country map.    The map of China used on the t-shirt does not include Taiwan.  Social media users in Canada complained about the map image when the shirt appeared on the Gap...

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